Urbanist is responsible for the design and development of larger regions, cities, or municipalities. Urbanist is involved in the long-term strategies for new places fit to be serviced by new technologies, and new transport, with the residential needs of their future inhabitants.
Urbanism is a scientific field that deals with designing and strategizing urban settlements and their surroundings for existential, long-term human use and human needs in accordance with the global environmental potential. A professional applying the above science is an Urbanist or Urban Researcher.
Required Education
Required education for the Urbanist is a degree in architecture and engineering with specialist urbanism subjects. Urbanists should have Master Studies in Urbanism including Urbanism accreditation.
Key Responsibilities
- Project lead and design of Structure plans and other strategic design documents of regional or State importance.
- Study and analyze all the aspects of one region, relevant to the construction of future cities and townships.
- Design large urban precincts and municipalities.
- Understand the overarching city functions when proposing new designs.
- Work closely with the Statutory Planner. Urban designs prepared by Urbanist will be supported by the Statutory Planner and Minister for Planning in delivering new developments.
- Provide statistics of the densities proposed for large catchments of re-development.
- Engage environmental scientists, civil engineers, water engineers, heritage advisors, traffic and water engineers, and other relevant fields in their projects and coordinate their reports to deliver great urban solutions that can be built.
- Submit proposed Structure Plans for approval by the Minister for planning.
Required Skills
- Great drawing abilities.
- Ability to sketch and conceptualize future design.
- Ability to present 3D models or manage their preparation by design teams.
- Ability to strategize all aspects of City design and be closely informed about all new and upcoming technologies that will shape future cities.
Prepared by Tatjana Medvedev BSc Eng. Arch.; MSc Eng. Arch. and Urb.