The word Mécène is French and is described as:

“ The (Mécène) patron  is an individual or a legal entity, such as a business. In a broader sense, it can also be applied to any area of interest: research, education, environment, sport, solidarity, innovation, etc.

The word (mécénat) means patronage or philanthropy and has been applied to the character of Gaius Maecenas Cilnius , patron of arts and letters in ancient Rome. It has gradually expanded to mean a persons’ orientation that submits its influence or financial resources to cultural or artistic endeavours.

The golden age of philanthropy arose in the era of the Italian Renaissance.  The Medicis, including Lorenzo the Magnificent, are known to spread their benefits to artists. Lorenzo de Medici took under his protection many individuals, including artists (Michelangelo and Andrea del Verrocchio), architects (Giuliano da Maiano and Giuliano da Sangallo) and scholars and humanists (Pico della Mirandola)…“

Extract from Wikipedia:


The inspiration for my company name can be traced back to 2002 while visiting a great friend of mine then residing in the 16th district in Paris with a wonderful view to the Eiffel tower, while slowly sipping Crème de Cassis, poor and determined I promised myself to find help and support for young talents, when an opportunity present itself.  To keep that promise alive I keep reminding myself through this company name the dream in mind that will soon become reality. People will come to me from both sides of this intent, those in the position to support and those in need.





+61(0) 404 022 402

Mecene Urban Design


BSc Eng. Arch. MSc Eng. Arch.
Lead Urban Designer